Thursday, April 1, 2010


Now that school is finally over for me, I can somehow post updates again. For the recent updates of XileRO (for those who do not know yet), PK and Main server are now merged as one along with Ex and Ez as well. Due to costly server maintenance and lesser population, the admin decided to merge servers and make it two servers only. This is quite good as the administration can focus more with only two servers.

Grand and Imperial sets are now released. The final stats of the sets are yet to be posted by the administration as they are still deciding on nerfing them. The new sets can only be obtained via donation.

More recent updates can be viewed via

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Back on track...

It's been months since i last updated this blog. I really forgot about this due to busy scheds. But im hoping to update anything about XileRO again.

Teaser: Imperial and Grand Sets being tested in EZ server. Read more...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

XileRO PK and Main Wiped

Due to the recent hacks that happened which lead to the rollback, the XileRO administration decided to do a full-wipe of items to wipe out illegal items and hacks, and to stabilize again the servers.

The wipe has already taken place with accounts and characters the only thing left. Players are now starting all over again hunting weapons and equipments as their basic gears. Donation sets are currently unavailable as they are being remade to balance the status it gives and make the two server more balanced in game.

More information about the wipe at

Friday, September 4, 2009

XileRO PK UP! But...

Due to recent hack attacks, PK and Main server were in mayhem. PK was hit the most, causing several weeks of downtime. Hackers deleted server files which were very essential to the server operations. The administration are doing every thing as to recover these files and make PK server operational again. After several weeks, PK server is now operational but is rolled back to 2007.

XileRO PK is now UP but is still in the fixing phase making it yet unstable. The XileRO administration are doing their best to recover and fix this problem. Xile stated that these hackers were said to be paid professionals hired to destroy XileRO and kick it out of the competition. What PK players can do now is enjoy the current situation and wait until PK will be fully fixed and recovered.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

XileRO Server Attacks

Recent weeks, XileRO PK server was down. Several weeks after PK server was down, Main server went down as well. Several rumors scattered as to what really happened why the servers went down. Xile just recently stated that several "paid" hackers attacked the server.

More information about the server downtime can be read here Read more...

Friday, August 7, 2009

XileRO Guide: Avoid Being Scammed and Hacked

Most of the reports from players in XileRO usually talks about being scammed or hacked. Many scammers and hackers roam around for the reason that many players are also easy targets. So how can you avoid being scammed and hacked? Here are some scam and hack strategies that you should be familiar about to prevent being a victim yourself.

1. Some GM private messages you and say you won an item or you had committed a violation in game and asks for your username and password. This is obviously a scam. NO GM asks for accounts, they have all the information needed. If you won or violated any rule, a GM will summon you to a secure place in which the GM is visible. GOLDEN RULE: NEVER GIVE YOUR ACCOUNT TO ANYONE.

2. Doppleganger. A familiar friend's name with another character talks to you asking if he can borrow your items and return it later. This one is quite tricky. You have a friend named "Xile" on a High Wizard character which he often uses and one time a Lord Knight naming "xile" pm's you and asks if he can borrow your item or account and oretends as if he knows you too well. Some scammers, uses your friend's name to fool you pretending he is actually your friend. The solution, let him change to his main character or the one you a familiar and sure that he is it before letting him borrow items. Best advice: NEVER LET ANYONE BORROW YOUR ITEM.

3. Fake site. A new scam right now is having a fake site saying you can earn free items and letting you log-in your account to that site, only to find out it is fake and your account information is already stored on that database, then resulting you being hacked. Never trust these sites, and are the only sites of XileRO.

4. Item switching. You are trading a player with boots of guidance for a cheap price, then he cancels the deal telling you to add a bit. Deals again, deals fast, then only to find out you traded it with a safety boots. Some items in XileRO have similar sprites where other item is cheaper than the other. Be careful with this scam, always check your deal first before trading it. DOUBLE CHECK!

This are the common strategies the scammers/hackers use to fool players. Be aware of this and prevent being a victim.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Password Recovery Implemented

One problem with XileRO before is that whenever you forgot your password, it will be lost forever. There are no means of recovering lost passwords from accounts and GMs have no power of recovering them.

A new password recovery system has been implemented in XileRO to resolve such issue. It only needs your account name and the password will be directly sent to your e-mail address. If by all means you also forgot your e-mail address, there is a new e-mail changer NPC located at Payon town near Celly to be able to change your e-mail address.

Visit for the password recovery.